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Everyone Left Changed

As many of you know, encompassKids recently hosted a group of young people on a mission

trip through Christ Memorial Church (CMC). The encompassKids missions were furthered by their dedication and open hearts, but they also returned changed and touched by their experiences in South Africa. We wanted to share some of their reflections with you.

"I am forever changed and hope I will continue to go outside of my comfort zone and greet everyone the same way they did in Africa."

"I think my biggest take away from the trip is to remember to be grateful, and always welcoming to others, and to use resources to interact with others. In the US a lot of people seem judgmental and just overall rude. But the second we got to Africa I felt so welcomed, and despite them not hav-ing much they offered me more hospitality than I have ever been offered back in the states. I think it is going to be hard to come back home and not hug everyone and welcome them as enthusiastically as they did in Africa."

"At home, I feel like I overlook the little things, like running water and my own bedroom. When I saw the conditions that the people were living in, it gave me a new perspective. A majority of the people we met lived in extremely poor conditions, yet they were always so happy and optimistic. Now that I’m home, I realize how blessed I am. My goal is to be more grateful and to spread joy to those around me! I often find myself complaining about the little things, but I never look at the whole picture. God has done so much for me, which I am extremely grateful for." 

"Most of the people we worked with have such an amazing relationship with God, and I hope that I can too. It was a huge eye opener. I also want to strive to be a more optimistic person, and become closer to God."

"They had more creative ways to spend time together. Most of the activities at home are digital but they all had creative games that were so much more fun than staring at a screen and were so much more interactive."

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